Who else here has felt personally victimized by the stress of holiday shopping? I’m sure many of you are raising your hands right now because it can be a major pain to sift through the list of people you have to get gifts for. What the hell does one get their brother who works out more than he breathes? How about their dad who has walked in his fair share of Pride Parades PFLAG? Then there are the inevitable Secret Santas that come with having to work for a living. I mean, working is hard enough - now your boss wants you to spend your own money on a person you’re forced to see 40-some hours a week? It can all be too much, but we’re here to take away that nasty ass stress and in its place, is an Andrew Christian holiday gift guide that will ease your soul.

Your Partner

Some may say that shopping for the person you’re most intimate with should be a walk in the park, but sometimes that walk is filled with broken glass. Sweep all those shards away because we have a couple of suggestions for you that will get you major points with your partner. First off, give them all the confidence in the world by gifting them this Disco Bikini with Almost Naked that is as vibrant as your love for them. They’ll be so enamored with the thought, that they’ll then want to use your other gift, a Flame Cock Ring, later on.

Best Friend You Can’t Live Without

Here is another example of a person you should be able to shop for but with so much going on in your life, you can and often can drop the ball on even those closest to you. Not anymore because you’ll show them how much you care about their self-care with this Glow UP Blow UP gift pack that comes with everything they’ll need to be that much more fab. Not to be outdone by that thoughtful gift, you can also wrap up a Sexy Sheer Cup Thong because if you can’t give your bestie a thong, who can you give it to?

Your Partner’s Best Friend

This isn’t your best friend. This is your partner’s best friend but because you all kiki from time to time, you have to show them some holiday love too. You don’t have to go overboard though. A pair of Las Palmas Swim Shorts for when things heat up, and an amazing Programmable LED Light Mask for keeping them safe will show them you’re thinking of them and care.

Frenemy That You Fuck with For Some Reason

For some reason we all have at least one person in our life that we like, but who can get on our nerves more often than not. Despite the drama you two have, you still want to show you’re the bigger person and get them a gift. They may think it’s shade to get them skincare products but how could they be mad at receiving a bomb-ass Rapid Peeling Exfoliant?

Brother Who Lives for the Gym

Brothers are some of the easiest and hardest to shop for because while you’ve known them your whole life, it’s hard to peg what a grown man wants for the holidays sometimes. So for those whose brother is a self-proclaimed gym rat, there’s not much more you can give them than a couple of tank tops like these Vibe and Blast Burnout ones.

Father Who Is Full of Pride

Stop with the genetic dad gifts like tools and slippers, and get your dad something that is truly unique. Especially for those with dads who boast about you! Teach your dad to take care of himself and get some bonding time in with this Tinted Brow Builder. And while we know the Daddy on these socks aren’t meant to mean the man who gave you life, we’re sure a dad like yours would wear them with pride.

Random Coworker Who Isn’t Out That You Got Stuck with in Secret Santa

Last, but certainly not least is that guy at work who you’ve suspected is gay but he’s yet to come out. Why are you giving this random guy we’ll call Jeff a gift? Well, because you got Jeff in the Secret Santa and instead of a gift card he’ll likely forget in his desk over the holiday break, you want to get him a pair of low-key Pride Socks, a Unicorn Ice-Cream Face Scrub, or perhaps both!
December 15, 2020 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture