Article written by Kendra Beltran

It is pretty safe to assume that we have all had way more first dates than second dates. That is because most of the time, those first dates tend to start with awkward conversations and end with jumbled goodbyes. Landing a second date with someone you actually like, even if the first was not the grandest, should be considered an art form. Back in the day our grandparents would send a carrier pigeon or something to ask for another, and our parents simply hopped on the phone, but us? We are the generation of texting. So with that, here are a plethora of texts you can hit send on after a first date that will help you score a second, and then hopefully a third, fourth, and even fifth!

Something with a Callback to the Date

Referencing something from the first date in a follow-up text within a few days showcases not only that you were paying attention, but that it is somewhat of a fond memory you two shared. It can also open them up to talking more about something else. However, make sure you are calling back to something positive. You never want to be like, “Hey, remember when we could not find parking and how you ruined your shoes stepping in a gutter?” Yeah, no. Keep things light, positive, and if you can - comical. People always enjoy someone that can make them genuinely laugh!

Conversation Follow-up

First dates are very much like job interviews. There is a weird introduction followed by back and forth questions that may lead to an actual conversation. If your first date was exactly that scenario, there is a chance that you may have forgotten this or that. So after you two have gotten a chance to marinate after the first date, hit them up with some answers to questions they asked and elaborate, and do not forget to ask them more questions to follow up on their answers. When you do this, it shows you were listening to them and actually interested in what they were saying and not just the potential of getting laid.

Make a Second Date Suggestion

First dates are typically general; including a safe restaurant or bar choice and not much else. So you have to pay close attention to what your date says during that initial conversation to get ideas for a second date. Did they mention loving art, was horseback riding on their bucket list, would they love to go out of the city to stargaze? When you pick up on those little moments in the conversation and know you want to see them again - fucking store them away. Then when you feel like the time is right, text them about doing something you know they would be interested in doing.

Something 100% Honest

You shot your chance and already got the first date, but now are hoping for another. When it all boils down, you just have to be upfront with people and tell them how you really feel. Of course, saying you can’t see yourself with anyone but them after just one date would scare any sane person off so perhaps never do that. Instead, just tell them what a great time you had and that you wanted to know if you could go out again. It can be scary to admit you actually like someone - even as a grown-ass adult - but you have to take chances to get results. And if they hit you back with absolutely no interest, at least then you know you can fully move the hell on to someone that will appreciate what you have to offer.

May 04, 2021 — Andrew Christian