5 Best Resolutions For Better Sex In the New Year
There have been at least three decades within 2020, I’d say. This has been a long, arduous and confusing year. So boy do we all really need to make some good resolutions. Let’s make the 20s swingin’ again, fellas! Designed specifically to better your life AND your sex life, here are our top five best resolutions for 2020.
1. Refine your gym routine for aesthetic
Okay, the hardest part of going to the gym is actually getting out of the house and going there. But, you do that already. So now it’s time to start taking the gym more seriously. Do the research and refine your gym routine so that your optimizing your muscles for aesthetic. Add muscle strategically and you’ll be looking twice as handsome by next year.2. Make extra time for your lover
Can 2020 be the year we make ghosting illegal? Or at the very least, make a resolution to dedicate more time to your man. Life is short, people, spend time together. Reply to that text. Go out on dates as often as you can.3. Give him random compliments
Part of being a better lover in the new year means upping your flattery game. Compliments feel good to give and great to receive. So spread some love in the new year by letting him know just how delicious you think that ass is.