Dear Andrew,
I find my 20s coming to the end. I feel like my entire adult life this far been one dizzying ride on a carousel of dicks, hopping from one to the next, around and around. I feel that I need to jump off this ride, but every time I try to, I fail. I think it's time in my life to calm down a little, focus on me, and eventually find a long-term partner. But the pangs of loneliness hit hard, and I know that sex is only a few swipes away whenever I want it. Is there any wisdom you can impart to help a guy like me?
Dear Jackson,
Sounds like you’re growing up. You’re learning to distinguish your impulse for sex as a means of coping with anxiety from your deeper, more powerful longing for true intimacy. Take some time and learn to happy alone with yourself. It may be difficult at first, but if you can learn to love yourself, and then it will be easier to fall in love with another.
With love,