Tired of Being a Basic Slut? Try Being a Sporty Slut!
In today’s sedentary world of clicking and scrolling, physical activity for many people is limited designated gym time or just intermittent cardio as you continuously walk up and down the hallway to kill time at the office. Keeping active is one of the best ways to combat the 21st century techno-blues. Going to the gym is fine method, but here’s why you should consider playing a sport instead.
First of all, you may be thinking, “I’m not 6’2” nor in peak physical condition. What use could I be on any sports team?” Worry not! Throughout America, we’re beginning to see more and more LGBTQ leagues that are mostly for fun. There are thousands of gay men looking to for casual athletic competition, so you just have to look up local ones near you! Why bother though? Well, there’s some awesome benefits that are unique to sports.
First of all, there’s a strong sense of bonding and fraternity. At the gym, everyone is a lone wolf, isolatedly hooked up to their elliptical and Spotify. With sports, you build a whole sense of community around the team, and you can make friends for life.
Also, running the bases at Kickball or dashing downfield in Ultimate Frisbee is waaaay more fun that running on a treadmill. You’re getting the same exercise either way, but playing a game is a million times less grueling due to the ample flow of dopamine and adrenaline.
And while we’re talking about chemicals, let’s not forget that a soccer field full of sweaty, excited gay men is basically a petri dish for unbridled proliferation of testerone and sex pheromones. There’s nothing quite like close physical contact with athletic dudes in jockstraps to motivate a workout. ;)
If you’re having fantasies about team-wide orgies in the locker room afterwards, settle down. While gay sports leagues are a great way to meet hot guys, some people really do just go to make friends and have fun. The bottom line is though, these leagues have something for everyone. Whether you crave the thrill of masculine competition or just wanna sniff a jockstrap, sports are the way to go.