Need That Halloween Body Fast? These H.I.I.T Workouts Will Help
**Please always consult a physician before starting any new exercise routine
It’s Halloween month! And you know what love about Halloween? It’s that one time of year that you get to see what everyone’s been thinking, suppressing, or embracing for the last (roughly) 365 days. It’s particularly interesting when most of you who have been covered up all year, decide to lay it bare. (Come to Papa.) For some of the rest of you, it’s a typical day in the life. No judgement. But no matter what side of the pumpkin patch or apple orchard you’re on, you may look down and realize that your summer bod is hidden under a layer of pumpkin spice lattes and apple pies — Jesus, be a diet pill next month for Thanksgiving — and maybe you’re wanting a little help trimming that layer down just in time for you to slink into that jockstrap, fireman’s outfit, or sexy mime. An excellent and effective and FREE way to do that is by adding a little H.I.I.T. to your gym regime.
First, what the hell is a H.I.I.T. workout? Only the fastest and best way to burn through calories. For those of you who’re rolling your eyes and thinking, “Ugh. Cardio.” Sh. It’s more than cardio. H.I.I.T. (or High-Intensity Interval Training) is a full-out, balls-to-the-wall technique for training that involves some pretty quick and -- as suggested in the title -- intense blasts of exercises. These exercises are accompanied by short (and sometimes mobile) rest periods. The purpose? To get the heart rate up and burn more fat in less time. As a matter of fact, you burn calories during and for 24-48 hours after you finish your sessions. In addition, you’re toning up your body. The important thing to remember is that each of these exercises should be performed at 7 out of 10 minimum exertion. This ain’t for lazy bums.
So, now that we’re all on the same page, here are 6 H.I.I.T. Workout Routines designed to help you burn it and turn it to get you looking and feel your greatest. Weight warriors, keep reading. We’ve got some stuff in there for you, too.
I Don’t Wanna Weight.
This set is for those of us that don’t mind changing up by stepping away from the weights or for the hard-working cats who can’t get to the gym, but still wanna get it in. After you complete a round, rest for one minute. After that minute of rest, repeat. You’ll go through this a total of 6 times.My-o Ply-o .
Do the following exercises 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest:Cab-Driver Jumping Jacks.
It’s like a regular jumping jack except you position your arms like you’re holding a steering wheel and your arms only go parallel to the floor.Twisted Mountain Climbers.
Take the traditional mountain climbers and twist your knees in towards the opposite side of the body. For an extra push, avoid stopping and “hot potato” it and keep the feet moving.High Knee Butt Kicks.
Okay, so I can’t pull the wool over your eyes. It’ll itch. This is actually two exercises that you’ll break up into fours. (Four high knees and four butt kicks.) Again, hot potato it and make it as intense as you can.Star Jumping Jacks.
You’re a star so why not do some jumping jacks like one? In this variation from the regular jumping jack, you start in a legs together and bent position almost like a ball. Spring up and reach your hands and legs up and out and return to the starting position.Push ups.
Just what it sounds like. If you wanna take these to the next level — and I know you do...your heart’s racing just thinking about it — get a bench and start in a high plank position on that bench. (Your body should be like a board.) Bring your hands to a high plank position on the floor. Then back to the bench. Then back to the floor. Be sure to alternate which hand starts for an even workout.Tuck Jumps.
This has nothing to do with duct tape and a penis. Jump up in the air and bring your knees to your chest.Shred on the Tread.
There’s a strange group of people out there who absolutely love the treadmill. This set of intervals is for them...wherever they might be. If you wanna amp it up, grab some 5lb weights and hold ‘em.- 3.5MPH for 4 minutes.
- 5MPH for 2 minutes.
- 4.5MPH for 1 minute.
- 6.5 MPH for 2 minutes.
- 4.5MPH at 2% incline for 2 minutes.
- 6.5MPH at 2% incline for 1 minute.
- 5.5MPH at 2% incline for 2 minutes.
- 7MPH at 1% incline for 1 minute.
- 6MPH at 3% incline for 2 minutes.
- 5MPH at 3% incline for 3 minutes.
- 7MPH at 3% incline for 1 minute.
- 8MPH at 3% incline for 1 minute.
- 6MPH at 4% incline for 2 minutes.
- 7MPH at 4% incline for 2 minutes.
- 8MPH at 4% incline for 2 minutes.
- 9MPH at 3% incline for 1.5 minutes.
- 6MPH at 2% incline for 2 minutes.
- 10MPH at 2% incline for 45 seconds.
- 6MPH at 2% incline for 15 seconds.
- 9MPH at 2% incline for 1 minute.
- 5MPH at 2% incline for 15 seconds.
- 7MPH at 2% incline for 45 seconds.
- 5MPH at 2% incline for 15 seconds.
- 6MPH at 2% incline for 30 seconds.
- 3.5MPH at 0% incline for 3 minutes.