Article written by Sam Machado

Happy Valentine's Weekend! Let's celebrate the most romantic night of the year with some erotic undies, shall we?

It's always fun to try on a pair that will be fitting for the mood. V-Day comes with its own set of colors and textures. Whichever color you prefer, it might say a little about what kind of night you plan to have. The best part is, every colored undies works for some hard fucking. But what kind of fucking are you about to have based on your preferred shade?


You're vigorous. You care about setting the typical mood of Valentine's Day with spicy romance. Plus, you're not afraid to stand out. You're in for some erotic pleasure!


Men who wear pink undies are ballsy as fuck. You can take on any role whether it's the master or the adorable sub who needs a hard pounding. Nothing says hard love like bringing in the pink on V-Day.


You're proud of yourself. You're handsome, independent, and confident with yourself. Showing that bulge in white boxer briefs shows that you know you're a stud. Let that bulge shine before pulling those briefs down.


Power dom. Bad boy for life in black undies whether you're in boxer briefs or a jock strap. No matter the style, you can take the higher power when you have the black going.


Versatile all around. Proud motherfucker. You can take it hard. You can swallow him good. No matter the outcome, you know what you want and will get it from him straight...not that kind of straight though.

February 16, 2021 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture