Ah, Dadbod. A body type that's as elusive and ambiguous as it is enthralling. Dadbod is a rather new addition to Webster's dictionary, but we'd say that the technical definition is something like, "sculpted muscle with a tasteful layer of chubbiness." Guys with dadbod are usually in "good shape" but just don't have those perfect flat washboard abs. Dadbod may not be what you see on all those Insta-hunks, but in the real world, Dadbod is hot AF. At the same time though, some guys cringe even just hearing the word. So what's going on here? Why has this term been entwined with such mystique and controversy? Within the gay community, we sometimes forget the mantra that all body types are beautiful and unique in their own way. The homogenization of online thirst traps leads us to believe that there is only one "sexy" body type to have. You can probably picture what I'm talking about. And sure these types of guys are crazy hot, but our obsession with perfection speaks to a larger problem in our community: 90% of guys don't look like that. Dadbod is far more prevalent--and if you re-calibrate your dick to be attracted to real-life men and not Photoshopped, internet men, then you may find that Dadbod is in fact sexier.
And straight women agree! Recent polls have shown that a majority of Americans who are attracted to men say that they prefer Dadbod over a perfectly sculpted abs and chest. Sure, Adonises look good in paintings and work well to model underwear, but if you're looking for a lifelong partner, do you really want a perfect 10 who is going to make you feel self-conscious about your body every-time you got to the beach? Besides, guys with Dadbod are more cute and cuddly. Rock-hard bodies are nice, but I'd much rather spoon with a big, fluffy Dadbod bear any day. The gay community has a long way to go in terms of reaching body acceptance. And the fact that when we see photos of guys in amazing shape with hot bodies and just a littttle bit of lovehandles on the side, we label them as "Dadbods" just indicates how much farther we have to go. As if bodies like that didn't represent the vast majority of men. Because at the end of the day, Dadbod just means that your body is Daddy AF.
August 04, 2019 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Gay Culture