Dear Agatha, I have a relatively public job (I'm a University professor), and thus I'm pretty discreet on dating apps. I'm not worried about being exposed as gay--I just feel like it's not ideal for an academic environment. I would really like to put up some profile pictures to weed out people that aren't into my type, but I don't want students or coworkers seeing me shirtless and horny. I know for a fact some people in my department are gay, so there's a good chance I will be discovered. What's your opinion on this? Do you find other gay professionals stigmatize fellow gays on dating apps? Love, Professor Horny
Privacy, my dear, is a treasured jewel that we must protect while also allowing ourselves to express our true selves. Balancing your public job with your personal life on dating apps can be a bit of a tightrope walk, but it's definitely doable. First and foremost, it's crucial to remember that your professional life and personal life are separate entities. Block students or coworkers when you see them, and refrain from using dating apps during work hours or at your workplace. Create a distinction between your professional and personal spheres to maintain your privacy. You mentioned wanting to put up profile pictures to attract people who are into your type—absolutely! It's your profile, and you should feel free to express yourself as you see fit. Just ensure that you're comfortable with the level of discretion you choose. Maybe don't show your full face or any unique tattoos. When it comes to interactions, I couldn't agree more with your idea of avoiding sending explicit content to anyone. This is a great practice not only for maintaining privacy but also for ensuring you're not being catfished by someone you'd rather not engage with. As for your last question, my love, it's important to remember that everyone's experience on dating apps is unique. While some may prioritize discretion, others may be more open about their personal lives. It's all about what makes you feel comfortable and secure. So, my love, strike that perfect balance, keep those boundaries intact, and sashay confidently into the world of academia as the horny man that you are. You deserve to have your cake and eat it too, discreetly and fabulously! XOXO, Agatha 💋
August 24, 2023 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Ask Agatha