Dear Agatha,
It finally happened. My very first long-term boyfriend just dumped me. I'm totally broken up. We were perfect together except for one small thing: he wanted kids. And just adopting, he wanted to have his own kids. Adam, let's call him, is bisexual and the reason he gave for breaking up with me is that he wanted to settle down with a woman and have biological kids of his own, something I could never provide. I feel so useless that I wasn't enough for him and there's nothing I could ever do to change that. I'm learning to let him go slowly, but what can I do to get over him?
Dear Scott,
Your worth is not determined by what him or anyone else deems worthy. Accept that you couldn’t give him what he needed in a long-term relationship, and that it's no fault of your own. Let him go and cut any contact with him for your own sanity. The man you're destined to grow old with isn't one who wishes you had a birthing canal. Find someone who loves you for you and you'll be much happier.