When Is The Right Time to Say "I Love You"?
The most important three-word phrase of every relationship--besides, "I'm gonna cum"--has got to be, "I love you." For both of these phrases, the timing is extremely important. But while any relationship worth its salt is going to be uttering the former quite frequently from the start, the latter must be strategically spoken at the proper moment or the whole thing may fall to ruin. We place so much emphasis on confessing our "love", but what does that really mean and when IS the right time to tell him?
Like premature ejaculation, telling him that you love him too early can really kill the mood. Experienced daters probably have all heard a guy tell them this after only a couple dates, and it really can send a shiver down one's spine. Being too eager can indicate emotional instability and cause feelings of imbalance in the relationship. Unrequited love is not a fun position to be in, even if you may eventually grow to love him too. And even if it's love at first sight for you, ya gotta be cool about it. Even if it's true, you may scare him off by conjuring images of your perverted alter for him.
Likewise, waiting too long can be no good either. There may come a point where the ship truly does sail. If your relationship progresses for months or years in a particular non-intimate fashion (read: fuck buddies), then the inertia of casualness may stymie any chance for transitioning to true love. And if there's one way to ruin a friends with benefits situation, it's to start getting too clingy and lovey-dovey.
So when is right? If you're looking for an exact timecode prescription, you're outta luck. It's all going to depend on you, him and the relationship. And in many relationships, there may never be a right time to say it. But at the same time, let's not overthink it. Some guys claim they've never been "in love" because they're imagining some rom-com fantasy version of the idea. No one really knows what "love" means, so if feels right then go for it! If you sense deep down in your heart that it's the right time, then that's the best advice we can give you.
Confessing one's love will always be risky. But as they say, it's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved it all. The most important thing is to make up your mind and committee one way or the other. Whether he cringes and leaves or embraces you amorously, the only thing that must be avoided at all costs is that horrible muttered, "I luh-you too..."