Article written by Kendra Beltran

At this point, we’ve all wondered what reality show we’d be our absolute best on. Me? Give me anything where there are games and trivia to be had. Others? Perhaps your talents would serve you well in creating garments, your love of the finer things would make you a housewife, or maybe you just want to sit on an island somewhere and look for love? Instead of guessing which reality show to submit your casting tape to, we’ve broken it down based on your sign. Yup, your astrological sign will lead you towards your reality show dreams...

Aquarius: Love Island

If there was an award for those who hate to be bored, you’d take it every time. Living in the moment and going for it - that’s you from head to toe. Plus, your originality and knack for conversational skills would assure you not only fared well on the island but left with at least one person wanting to fuck you when back on the mainland.

Pisces: RuPaul’s Drag Race

Yes, you hate when the magnifying glass of judgment is on you but that’s only when you know you aren’t doing well but being a creative soul, you know could pull it together for a show like ‘Drag Race’ where creativity can and more often than not, gives you an edge. Especially now when basic is far from what you need to bring to the main stage.

Aries: The Amazing Race

While some may see your aggressive, impulsive behavior as an’d only serve you well on a show like ‘The Amazing Race’ where you have to go, go, go all the damn time. Plus, your natural leadership skills teamed with a knack for striving above and beyond with physical challenges would only serve you well.

Taurus: Love is Blind

You need a hell of a lot of patience to be on a show like ‘Love in Blind,’ but for someone who lives for romance, you could wait forever and a day to find the right person.

Gemini: Masterchef

You’re a little indecisive but when it comes to learning and being quick on your feet, all the worries in your head go out the window. This would make you amazing on a show where you’ve got to learn fast and be even faster to win!

Cancer: Project Runway

When you’re on a show like ‘Project Runway’ you have to be as persuasive as you are creative because it’s all about selling your garment to the judges. Thankfully those are two skills you have in your wheelhouse.

Leo: Real Housewives of…

You love the spotlight, can be hard-headed, and fancy the finer things in life. So, yeah...

Virgo: Say Yes to the Dress

Unlike a Leo, who loves every ounce of attention, you’re more about staying in the background of life. So you’d loathe being on any sort of show that shined every light on you. Instead, you’d use your reliable ways to be a loved one’s guest on a show like ‘Say Yes to the Dress’ where you only had to say a few words here and there.

Libra: Naked & Afraid

Being like everyone else has never been your cup of tea. Take that with your admiration for the great outdoors and you have a recipe to be butt-ass naked on national television.

Scorpio: Court TV

There are an array of court-related shows on TV, and you could very well be on any of them because well, you aren’t just stubborn - you always have to be right too. Those two attributes are bound to land you on TV arguing over something you swore was not your fault and you’d fight tooth and nail to prove it too.

Sagittarius: Survivor

You’re likely the friend with the most used passport, right? We thought so. With that, the only reality show you’d be content with is one where you could be somewhere wild, trying (and surviving) new things.

Capricorn: Queer Eye

You often think you know everything, and typically have a good shoulder on your head but man oh man, you can be set in your ways. A show like ‘Queer Eye’ would help you shake things up for the better. Plus, you’d agree to do it because once you saw how much it meant to your loved ones, you couldn’t say no.

August 31, 2021 — Andrew Christian
Tags: Listicles